This time last year, I compiled a list of the best things I’d read in 2022. It gave me a chance to look back over everything I’d read that year and see which ones stuck with me and left a lasting impression. With another year coming to a close, I’ve decided to make this an annual tradition. I’ve compiled another list of the best things I read this year. In no particular order, here are the best things I read …
Author: Jon-Ethan Richards
I recently turned 28. For the past couple of years, I’ve taken time on my birthday to sit down and reflect on everything that’s happened over the past year. It’s become a bit of a tradition …
Key Ideas Introduction It’s a popular statistic that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Regardless of whether or not this is true, people believe it to be true. We’re ready to believe that statistic because many …
A compilation of the best books and articles I read throughout 2022. …
Attenborough has spent a lifetime documenting our planet and its wildlife. He’s witnessed first-hand the changes that have taken place as our species has rapidly developed and he lays out the grim reality of these for …
Over the past decade, reading has been one of my biggest hobbies. Even when life’s been at its busiest, I’ve managed to find time to read. Yet, despite 2022 being a relatively quiet year for me, …
Peak is the definitive book on mastering a skill. Anders is a leading expert in the science of expertise and this book, which is the culmination of his decades of experience, lays out the best way …
Atomic habits is a comprehensive guide to changing your habits, with an in-depth examination of how to create good habits and break bad ones. Highly recommend to anyone struggling to establish good routines in their life. …
Ever since university, I’ve taken an interest in personal knowledge management (PKM). Until then, I’d hardly spent any time taking notes on the books I was reading or the things I’d been learning. What notes I …